By Barbara Spyropoulos Orphaned spaces: those pesky bits of land leftover when an area is divided into lots. Sometimes adjacent to residential lots, other times buffers between roadways or other purposed sites, but almost always eventually neglected. Architectural drawings often show them lush with ornamental plantings but in reality, the vegetation is, in due course, […]
What Can CPTED Canada Offer You?
by Tom McKay CPTED Canada is a grass roots, non-profit, education and networking organization that is dedicated to promoting Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) throughout Canada. Since its founding in 2022, CPTED Canada has planned and delivered a number of open events which includes a Conference and Speaker Series. Members receive preferential treatment when […]
CPTED Benefits are Synonymous with Good Design
by Tom McKay I think that most CPTED practitioners have been called to or otherwise visited a property where our first impression is what were they thinking, only to find that it’s problematic and/or experiencing crime. But what about environments where our first instinct is to pull out the camera and start taking pictures, only […]
What Does CPTED Success Look Like? – It Depends Upon Who You Ask.
by Tom McKay One of the things that I like most about CPTED is its broad appeal across diverse user groups. That, along with its big net “proper design and effective use of the environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime as well as improve the quality of life”1 […]
Applying Environmental Criminology to Optimize Safe, Functional Utilization of Public Alley Spaces
Key Issues and Measures to Improve Safety and Functionality The whole issue of achieving safety within urban alley environments has long been an intriguing challenge for me throughout my career as a planner, most notably as it relates to my work within the law enforcement profession. Alleys exist in many Ontario and Canadian communities, particularly […]