CPTED Canada’s vision is to promote safe community design through advocacy, education and networking. To this end, CPTED Canada will be holding a virtual monthly, education and networking session known as the CPTED Café for its members on the last Wednesday of each month (holidays excepted). What better place to engage in a casual conversation on a topical issue of general interest to our membership with our resident and other experienced experts?
This month’s one hour meeting will be held on Wednesday February 26th starting at 12:00 p.m. E.S.T. at which time the topic of CPTED and Road Design will be discussed with Scott Mason, Principal and Landscape Architect of Ottawa based Urbantypology Inc,
So please be sure to make it a habit to “drop by” for our next CPTED Café session by clicking on the interactive registration link below. And while you are there you can leave a suggestion for a topic of general interest that you would like to see discussed in our informal and interactive way.